Thursday, February 6, 2014

Biography of Nelson Mandela

                                                      Nelson Mandela

We are pretty sure that some of our readers are wondering why the Mandela picture is there. This is Black History Month and we would like to acknowledge one of the great leaders in the apartheid struggle. Nelson Mandela died recently and he was a great leader. This is his story...

     Rolihlahla Mandela was born into the Madiba tribe in Mevzo, Transkei on July 18,1918. He attended primary school when his teacher gave him the name “Nelson” as all students were required to have christian names. Nelson grew up and went to college and got a degree. Then he joined the African National Congress. After joining the ANC he noticed the oppression of his people.This oppression was in the form of apartheid. The europeans considered themselves true africans and the native africans were not. The real africans were called kaffers,and the europeans afrikaners. That is what the government system was based on. He used non violent protest and committees and conventions but nothing seemed to work. He studied law and started his first law firm Mandela and Tambo. He tried to fight against apartheid as a lawyer but nothing worked. He fought for claims against police brutality and other things for aggrieved blacks but his firm was banned.

After years of peaceful protest the ANC had to turn to something else. Nelson asked a colleague for some weaponry so they could fight. Mandela had married a woman named Evelyn Mase they had two children. Their marriage fell apart and Mandela married the famous Winnie Mandela. On December 5, 1956 Mandela along with others was arrested for high treason against the state but Mandela was granted bail. He traveled across the state doing work for the ANC and was disguised as a chauffeur. He started a militant group called Spear of the Nation. This branch of the ANC sabotaged government equipment and government bases. Mandela was caught and placed on trial. The trial called the Rivonia Trial convicted Mandela and others guilty of four charges including sabotage and guerrilla warfare against the government.
Mandela was arrested and sent to an alcatraz like prison called Robben Island Mandela was treated harshly by white prison wardens and was considered the lowest class of prisoner. His eyesight was permanently damaged because of the glare of the lime he worked with.In 1967 conditions were raised blacks were given trousers and games were permitted. Now Mandela was able to write letters and get visitors he corresponded with other leaders and activists. In 1980 the slogan free Mandela was born. But despite all the protest Mandela remained in Prison.
In 1982 Mandela was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town. Violence in the country escalated with many fearing a civil war. In 1988 Mandela was recovering from tuberculosis and was moved to Victor Verster Prison. On February 2,1990 Mandela was released because apartheid had ended. He walked out of prison holding Winnie’s hand ready for a new beginning. He met with other leaders due to his release and was glad what they fought for was finally done.But it was not many white supremacists started riots. Mandela made many speeches to calm the rioting. The ANC made a reconstruction program to get blacks housing and into political office. Mandela ran against Frederik de klerk for presidential office. Though de klerk was the better speaker Mandela had the better reputation. Mandela was elected president. After learning about Winnie’s affair Mandela divorced her.
During Mandela’s presidency he started many new programs and out of state alliances. He increased welfare spending and was a great president. He retired in June 1999 and started charities and philanthropy. In 2004 he retired from doing that he met with George Bush , the Clintons and Obama. His ninetieth birthday was celebrated world wide. With a festival in Africa and a concert in Hyde Park, London.
Mandela was said to have a respiratory infection. He had not opened his eyes in days and was unresponsive he was in a vegetable state and life support was needed. After months Mandela started to respond to the treatment. He was sent home September 1,2013. He died on December 5, 2013.
Mandela was just a man he was not a god or a superhero but a man. He did not like the way he was treated or the way his people were treated so he did something about it. He left an impact on the world. He will always be remembered. This is the ending to the Mandela story. Maybe you will start the next chapter.

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